Work with me

Do you wish to regain control of your health? O.Sum Health can help you overcome the struggles and challenges of chronic illness. We are here to empower you.


Coaching Services

A chronic condition will bring about many changes in your body. You may carry on without changing, expecting things to remain the same. Just then, you start feeling more tired than usual. Instead of wondering what’s wrong with you, use my coaching services to build effective coping strategies. I will provide

  • Personalized guidance and motivation

  • Tailored actionable strategies

  • Goal setting and progress tracking


my course

My course provides a roadmap for your life with chronic illness. The course encompasses my personal experience living with PKD; therefore, I can testify that they work. Opt for the course if you:

  • Don't feel fine but appear fine

  • Feel compelled to give up on your dreams

  • Face uncertainty regarding the future 



I set up O.Sum Health to share my knowledge as a successful case study for dealing with a chronic illness. Here, we will provide you with all the resources you need to overcome your challenges, including:

  • Personalised coaching

  • A support system

  • A community of individuals with similar experiences

Why Choose Me?

I can offer an empathetic perspective. I am a professional chronic illness mindset coach with firsthand experience in dealing with a chronic condition. My personal story enables me to understand the emotional and physical toll your condition takes on you.

I’m able to personalise my services to suit your needs. I appreciate diverse cultural backgrounds, being born in Africa, raised in Europe, and now residing in Maryland, USA. I am fluent in three languages and regularly advocate for inclusivity and representation in healthcare. My experience dealing with people from different backgrounds enables me to treat everyone with respect and compassion.

I will help you focus on your goals. You do not have to surrender the goals and dreams you worked towards before your diagnosis. I am thriving despite my condition, and I can empower you to do the same. You need to believe that you are powerful enough not to fall victim to your illness!